Cuma nak kongsi beberapa doa yang diemail oleh one of my friends. Semoga memberi manfaat dan kebaikan kepada kita semua.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Jam Part II
Mr. Hubby sabar je drive
Si kembar dah pengsan
Ok. Sekarang aku nak sambung tentang ketakpuasan hatian masalah jam ni. Kalau yang 1st part aku cite masalah kat Putrajaya then kali ni pasal jam kat hiway PLUS. Kadang2 x terjangkau dek akal fikiran kat hiway boleh jem teruk. Kalau kita bercakap tentang ni 5-10 tahun dulu mesti kena tempelak balik kata benda tu mustahil atau mengarut. Tapi sekarang ni dah jadi macam 'makanan ruji' to those yang always travel guna PLUS. Before that, Aku cuma nak share my experience back to 2004 if I'm not mistaken. Masa tu x ingat cuti apa tapi me and sis (masa ni solo lagi) planed to go to Nilai 3. Apa lagi shoppingla. But the thing is, we plan on the wrong time to go to the right place (hehehe..walaupun tujuan nak gi habiskan duit yang memang cepat habis). Bila sampai je kat Tol Sg. Besi, traffic dah macam kura2.Ntah2 kura2 lagi laju. Masa tu ingat may be ok kot. So, finally we decided ikut jalan lama yang lalu ikut Kajang towards Semenyih. Tapi keputusan tu x membantupun. Kat c2 sama gak. Nasibla nak ke Nilai. Kalau nak pegi sampai Seremban dan seterusnya, memang muakla.
Si kembar dah pengsan
Tu tahun 2004, sekarang rasanya lagi teruk. Even weekend yang cuti x panjangpun sama jugak. Kalau cuti yang panjang + school holiday lagila teruk. My sis in law pernah experienced from Malacca around 5 p.m then arrived kl around 12 p.m. Just imagine biasanya kalau Melaka - KL it takes paling tidak 2 hours. Kalau camtu punya perjalanan dah boleh sampai Terengganu. Walaupun dah besarkan jalan jadi 3 lane, never solve the problem. Bila difikirkan terdetik gak dihati, maybe masa mula2 plan untuk buat hiway, they never think about the future. Every month, penggunaan bertambah sebab orang semakin ramai guna kereta. This is a never ending story, and getting worse day by day.
Pemandangan biasa kat Putrajaya time nak balik
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
When u see the title, u will imagine that this is about food or maybe today I'm gonna give u the recipe on how to make 'handmade jam'. Actually, this is about traffic jam. Common problem for the big cities like KL, Penang, JB. But now, it's a 'common' problem to those who work and stay in or nearby a so called well plan city, Putrajaya, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan. When I got the transfer order in 2006, it's such a release for me becoz could avoid the bad traffic once u enter KL. From my place in Kajang to Putrajaya normally took 15-20 minutes only.
But starting fasting month in 2008, it's getting worse until now. First week of fasting month, I have to wait about 30-45 minutes just to get out from parking area. Once arrived at the 'main road' before Serdang Hospital, i was stucked there. Reached at home around 6.30. Kelam kabutla to buy foods, picked my kids at babysitter's house. So, for this year if everybody (I mean the one who resposible for this) still act like 'NATO', I feel like taking leave for the whole fasting month. Boleh ke camtu?
Actually, from my observation, all of this happened becoz we don't have enough space to park (for those who are not entitle to get one). So, everybody just simply park ikut suka hati. Kesannya, if u have any emergency especially kebakaran, kereta bomba x boleh lepas becoz kereta parking di kiri kanan jalan. I didn't blame anyone, but sometimes, bila nak keluar dari parking memang mengamuk gakla. Mana taknya, kereta letak kat laluan keluar. Macamana nak jalan. So, if ur car got scratches here and there, boleh urut dada jela. Stop dulu. Nanti sambung.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Transformasi anak-anakku
On 11th March 2006, my twin was born. Then, on 14th Mei 2008, si kenit pulak keluar. Last weekend, I realised that they are 'growing'. Of coursela kan. Takkan makin mengecil. But, thank god I'm still here, able to see every changes, every moves, every steps that they made. kalau kembar, dari zaman hisap puting dengan bantal busyuk, then walking, pandai naik motor yang battery operated and now started to say goodbye to diapers. Even, masing-masing learn to eat, wearing shirt and bath by themselves. Nurin lak dari zaman diapers (masih lagipun), breastfeed (alhamdullillah until now) then walking. Now, mulut dah bising, makan dah macam orang tua walaupun gigi maintain 4 batang (lambat betul nak tumbuh yang lain tapi jalan cepat) dan dah pandai gaduh ngan twin. Pening kepala kalau dia orang start gaduh. Even, kalau tak dapat apa dia nak, dia akan tunjuk aksi shuffle sambil baring. Hehehe... hempaskan badanla.
Bila ingat semua tu, memang aku boleh senyum sorang. Tapi tula memori dan kenangan yang terindah yang aku akan simpan dan lipat kemas2 dalam diri. Semua tu amat berharga dan tak ternilai. Diri kitapun makin lama makin tua. Satu hari nanti bila anak-anak aku dah bawa diri masing-masing (yela takkan selamanya diaorang nak duk bawah ketiak aku) itula ubat yang terbaik. Cuma, aku selalu doa, anak-anakku membesar menjadi anak yang soleh dan solehah dengan didikan dan kasih sayang yang secukupnya dari aku dan hubby. Insyaallah, if kita sebagai parents sentiasa dekatkan diri dan mesra dengan anak-anak, mereka akan memberikan yang sama sebagaimana yang yang dia orang dah dapat. Bukan mengharapkan balasan, tetapi harapan kita sebagai parents agar ikatan kekeluargaan tetap utuh dan kasih sayang antara kami tetap mekar.
Happy Birthday Hubby
Yesterday, 12th July - hubby's Birthday. Nothing much to say. Pray, god blessed u, stay healthy, stay handsome (hehehe...) dan dimurahkan rezeki. Semoga rumahtangga kita berkekalan sehingga hujung nyawa dengan rahmat dan diberkati Ilahi.
Thanks for being good husband, superb father, friend, enemy (time gaduh tapi x lama- jgn mare syg), semuanyala. Love u so much. Happy born day abg.
Lagu tema
"Allah selamatkan Abang
Allah selamatkan Abang
Allah selamatkan Abang yang tersayang
Allah selamatkan Abang"
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Cloth diapers
Hmmm.....kenapa agaknya aku pilih tajuk ni. Ni nak cerita sikit pasal penjagaan anak2. When my twin was born, almost everyday during confinement I feel so much pressure in terms of daycare (working timela), their 'maintainance' (napkins, milk etc). All of this gave me headache. Thank god aku x sampai level 'meroyan'. Furthermore, I just knew that it was twin pregnancy, a day before they came out (Almaklumla caesar). Can u imagine when the doctor do the scanning, suddenly she told me to look at the screen and clearly showed there are two bodies inside me. Then, she told me it was twin. When the doctor ask about my feeling, I just like mmm...ok. No feeling at all. It's not becoz I'm not happy, but shocked.
But, god knows what is the best for you. Every child has its own fortune. Nak dijadikan cerita, the twin having problem with cow milk or allergy to cow milk's protein. So they always got flu, even mild eczema and bloated. So, the doctor suggested to go for soy based milk. Basically, for twin they were prone to have all this problem plus I only managed to BF for 3 months (but not all, maybe tu dugaan tuhan pada aku). The price for 900grams soy milk roughly about RM55-60. So, for twin baby boy, u need at least 2 cans per week. So, can u imagine the cost almost RM500 per month. Only for the milk. But, luckily I found one soy based product (milk) from one MLM company that offer high quality product with affordable price. Thank god again for helping me.
At the same time, my twin also very sensitive to certain type of diapers. During confinement I just used the very cheap one becoz they tend to poo poo almost 7-8 times per day. When I made the calculation, I used almost 1500 pieces of diapers for 2 months. But, the problems came. They got the very bad rashes around nappy area. So, for two days have to berlenggengla. So, we decided to go for pampers and after that change to drypers. But, both of the brands left black mark around thigh area (the part that contact with the hook and loop closure / snaps). So, finally we choose huggies until now. I hope it won't be too long becoz the twin now in 'paradigm shift' process. Hehehe... potty trainla. Now, malam jela.
Wah...wah...wah. Dah panjang bercerita tapi still tak touch on cloth diapers yet. I've heard about this for quite sometimes. But, not really into it or in other words sayang duit to invest for that. Yela, paling murah dalam RM50. If u wanna used it, for baby basically u need 5-6 pieces per day. So, paling tidak u must have 12 pieces in hand. But, since nurin having same problem with her brothers, apa lagi rashes so I start to explore it again. Actually, nurin's problem worse than the twin becoz it just heal when u put some medication around that area. But, it will happen again. So, I have to find other alternatives. Kesian tengok. And last week I bought 3 pieces with the cost RM310. But, I think it's worth it becoz it is reusable, long time usage and save the cost. Konsepnya sama macam lampin kain yang mak kita guna dulu2 tapi telah dipermodenkan untuk memudahkan penggunaan. There are many types, many brands even we have the local one that offer good quality with affordable price. To know more about cloth dipers u can read from this blog - A lot of very useful info especially for those who have zero knowledge about cloth diapers.
Now, this is mine. Very cute when u put this on ur little one.
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