Thursday, November 26, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Korban

Esok Umat Islam akan menyambut Hari Raya Korban @ Aidil Adha. Bagi yang sedang mengerjakan haji, inilah masa untuk memastikan ibadah tersebut dapat dilaksanakan dengan sempurna. Semoga mendapat haji yang mabrur. Bagi yang belum berkesempatan menunaikan Rukun Islam ke 5 ni, kita merayakannya dengan cara melaksanakan ibadat korban sempena memperingati pengorbanan yang dilakukan oleh Nabi Ibrahim terhadap anaknya Nabi Ismail.

Apapun, bagi yang bercuti panjang, selamat bercuti. Drive carefully. Ambilla kesempatan ni untuk menjenguk ibu bapa sekiranya mereka masih ada. Gunala masa ni nak mengeratkan silaturrahim. X perlu raya puasa untuk melaksanakannya. Bagi yang berkorban, sempurnakanlah ibadat dengan hati yang ikhlas kerana ganjaran Allah adalah amat besar.

Ni sebagai memperingati diri aku gak. Bukan apa, sekarang ni macam dah trend. Niat korban tapi macam menunjuk2. X ikhlas namanya tu. Pas tu boleh lak dia pilih2 bahagian yang elok je. Sepatutnya keutamaan kepada yang lebih berhak.



I've got one email regarding this:

Correct timing to take water

Correct timing to take water, will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.

Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organs

One (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion

One (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure

One (01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Chicken Pox

Last week memang havoc bagi aku. Selasa malam, badan Nurin dah mula dedar2. Hasif lak macam nak semput. So, Rabu pagi aku cakap kat hubby x yah kejela. Nak bawa budak2 p klinik. Aku risau sebab badan Nurin kejap sejuk kejap panas. Yela sekarang macam2 penyakit. Kena sentiasa alert especially kalau budak2 yang sakit. Kat klinik, Hasif memang kena bagi gas. Nafas dah x berapa nak elok. Hazwan lak aku check sekali sebab lately ni dia kerap bersin especially pagi. Kadang2 sampai 10-15 kali, hingus meleleh je then dia ngadu mata dia dah gatal2. Kesian lak aku tengok. Sah, doktor kata tu resdung. Bila check Nurin lak, doktor kata macam kena chicken pox/bertih/jintungan (ni ikut dialek daerah). Dia minta tunggu within 24 hours. If yes, bawak balik untuk bagi antiviral.

Dah x perlu antiviral sebab the next day dah banyak yang keluar. Even malam tu dia dah mula meragam. Siang tido 1/2 an hour. Malam langsung x boleh tido. Akupun samala x tido. Merengek dan menangis je. Aku dah mati akal nak buat apa. Last sekali aku bukak baju dan seluar tinggalkan diapers je. Pas tu aku basahkan badan dan kepala. Bolehla tido kejap. Dapatla gak aku lelapkan mata. Bangun pagi, hubby dah siap nak p keje. Aku sound gak sebab dah x larat. Tapi laki aku ni kalau dia dah kata putih susah nak ubah jadi hitam. Nasib dia hantar kembar p umah babysitter. Apapun, memang aku x boleh nak buat benda lain. Nurin kalau x duk atas pangku nak berdukung. Penat sangat rasanya.

Tengahari, hubby mesej, dia ambik half day. So, petang tu, hubby cakap jom keluar. Sambil2 nak cari daun semambu. Ni petua orang tua. Kalau budak kena chicken pox, daun semambu buat lapik tidur. Boleh kurangkan rasa miang dan panas badan. Selain tu, hubby cakap dalam kete sejuk dan bergerak. Maybe Nurin boleh lena. Betul cakap hubby. Lama gak dia tido. Then malam kena bawa adik ipar p umah member hubby. Nak urut badan ngan mak mertua dia. Sebab dah janjikan. Tapi ok gakla sebab makcik tu bidan dan tahu gak nak ubatkan cara kampung. Dia bagi satu losyen untuk sapu kat badan Nurin. Alhamdulillah, malam tu Nurin boleh tido. Dia merengek je aku sapukan losyen tu. Terus tido balik. Daun semambu tu aku letak gak tapi agaknya dia geli tengok tu, langsung x nak tido atas tu. Cuma bila dah lena dan tido pun lasak, baring gakla atas tu. Selain tu daun semambu tu guna untuk bedakkan untuk 3 hari berturut. Campur ngan bedak sejuk dan blend. Ni bila benda tu dah kering. Daun semambu ni gak kena rebus untuk jadi air mandian. Then baru boleh mandikan macam biasa. Tapi ngan Nurin aku mandikan gak. Kesian. Xdela mandi beria. Setakat basahkan rambut sikit dan aku ambik air untuk lap2 je. Hari ketiga aku bagi minum air kelapa. Nipun petua orang petua. Nak bagi chicken pox keluar semua.

Ahad malam, bawa Nurin p umah babysitter. Nak dia tengok samada dah boleh hantar lum. Akupun x nak main hantar je sebab kat umah tu ada anak sedara akak tu yang masih dalam pantang. Berjangkit kang susah lak. Dia cakap tunggu sehari dua lagi sampai benda tu kering betul. Nak x nak kenala cuti sampai selasa. Terbang cuti aku. X bolehla nak simpan untuk GCR. Huhuhu.... Tapi tula. Kalau beranak kecik, cuti memang untuk semua tu je. Untungnya, bolehla aku mengemas rumah apa yang patut. Rumah aku tu, aku sendiri segan nak tengok. Dah berapa lama x ber'vacuum', x bermop. Cuma masih kemasla (syok sendiri lak). Yang paling best, x yah masak. Hehehe....Pagi sebelum gi keje, hubby dah beli siap2. Tambah lak, kembarpun aku x hantar sebab Nurin dah x meragam. Kesian nak kejutkan bangun pagi. Lagipun, nila peluang. nak spend masa ngan dia orang. Pantang orang tua lagi, x boleh menggoreng masa kena chicken pox.

Sambil tu, aku ulang-alik p umah makcik bidan tu sehingga hari selasa lepas. Bawak adik ipar sampai hari Ahad. Hari Sabtu, borak ngan anak makcik tu. Sekali dia cakap mak boleh ubatkan resdung. Aku terus teringat Hasif dan Hazwan. Nak buat terus hari tu, x boleh sebab makcik tu guna telur ayam kampung untuk ubatkan. Kena lak buat tiga hari berturut. Kenala balik cari telur dulu dan ulangla selama 3 hari. Penat sangat sebab non stop. Tapi bagi aku berbaloi tengok anak2 sihat. Kitapun senang hati. Bukan x percaya pada perubatan moden, tapi x salah cuba cara tradisional selagi x memudaratkan. Lagipun, aku x nak anak2 bergantung pada dadah (ubat tu dadahla. cuma dalam dos yang dibenarkan). Macam aku, selagi boleh tahan aku x ambil ubat.

Lagi satu bagus bergaul ngan orang lama ni. Banyak petua yang boleh dikongsi. Makcik ni bagi petua untuk legakan batuk. Ambik dalam satu sudu kecik bijan, 1/2 inci halia dan 5 biji lada hitam. Ketuk2 dan masuk dalam 3 cawan air. Rebus hingga air tinggal secawan. Then minum. Aku dah buat untuk kembar, alhamdulillah dah kurang batuk. Lagi satu untuk bagi kulit kita tahan dari digigit nyamuk, maksudnya kalau kena gigitpun x berbekas. Ambil dalam 5 biji cengkih, rendam dalam air panas selama 15 minit. Cawan tu tutupla. Then minum. Insyaallah kulit jadi tahan. Yang ni aku belum cuba. Lagi satu petua. Ewah2, banyak lak petua. Ni semua yang makcik ni kongsikan. Dia memang baik dan peramah. Kalau nak kurangkan perut buncit, lemak kat badan @ kalau perut sebu/berangin. Garam kasar masukkan dalam bunjut kain then panaskan atas api. Guna untuk tungku kat bahagian yang kita nak. Tapi ni kena rajin dan buat selalu. Nipun aku belum sempat nak buat. Malas sebenarnya. Lupa lak, untuk yang chicken pox, mandikan dengan air kelapa yang dicampur dengan air basuhan beras (kali yang ke 2, 3). Nak matikan terus virus tu then prevent dari kena lagi sekali. Lagi satu jangan takut nak dekat ngan orang kena chicken pox. Lagi takut lagi cepat dapat.

Ok. cukup ruangan petua untuk kali ni. Kalau next time aku jumpa makcik tu dan dapat petua lain, aku share lagi. X salah kongsi ilmu malah makin berkat lagi. X relevan betulkan ngan tajuk di atas.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Pregnancy Story

Oopss....don't be suprised. Am I waiting for the next junior? Jeng..jeng...jeng...are u crazy? Nopela. But, planning and hoping to get another one in the near future. Maybe the last one. Yela, dah 2 kali caesar. Three enough. Like one of the staff said while preparing for the caesar, sanggup ke biar perut kita ditoreh macam ayam kena sembelih for more than 3 times. However, tunggula Nurin cukup 2 tahun.

Actually, I just wanna share my first experience as a pregnant woman. How to start ye? Ok. Masa tu, I'm still in the 6 months course. Not planning to get one very soon, but God knows the best. When I was in Kuala Kubu Bharu for Modul Bomba, my period already late. But, I just ignored it and believed the delay was due to the stress and hectic schedule for the past few months (Since June). After that, I went to Lumut for OBS, the last module for the first term. Here, I started to feel something. I slowly lost my appetite. But, I still got energy to go for 'kayaking' and whaler. For kayak, I almost do it all by myself even got partner becoz from the beginning he was mabuk laut. I must continue paddling to avoid from capsizing. Before started the activity, I just ate a piece of bread. Then, stop for lunch I just took half of plate. That's all. Thank god. I still survived after kayaking for almost 9 hours.

A day after cameback from OBS, went for Modul Polis. Here, everything getting worse. I feel nausea, tired,luckily not vomit. Appetite, lost. Very selective towards foods. But, still I went through all the activities including kawad. Even, I wore heels during the whole module. Crazykan. Few friends adviced me to tell the Supervisor but I refused. Keras kepala betul. Alhamdulillah, everything was just fine. So, after that module, I decided to buy the pregnancy test kit. The next morning, without too much time to wait, the result was 2 lines. Positive. Masa tu rasanya dah almost 3 months.

Only decided to go for first check up, 2 weeks after that. I just went to Hubby's panel clinic. So, the doctor confirmed it and 4 months already. Next check up, doctor do the scanning. Baby was ok but his/her weight can be up to 4 kg. He suggested me to go for proper check up at any specialist/hospital. Me and hubby already discussed and we agreed to choose government hospital becoz this is first pregnancy. We didn't know, what we were going to face or any complication that might happen before, during and after delivery. I still believed that goverment hospital do have all the equipments, experiences and specialists.

I ended up, doing my routine check up at Sri Kembangan's Poliklinik. Reminder: U can't go straight away to any hospital just for the regular check up if no. 1. At your area has Klinik Kesihatan. no. 2. u are not referring there. Hehehe.. I did the mistake. Went straight to the hospital but at the end turn back to the Poliklinik. Kata government servant tapi x tahu prosedur. Luckily, I didn't get morning sickness. Cuma, bad coughing until the 5th months. By, 8 months, I got oedema. My lower part getting bigger and swollen. I noticed, the belly is too big. I hardly wore my sandals and cannot rukuk during solat. Solat duduk jela. Kalau berdiri mau tumbang sebab x stabil especially masa nak bangun. Tidopun x selesa. If want to move from one side to another memang seksa. Weight, I gained almost 23 kg ++. A lot, right? Craziness towards chocolate and limau. Hate, x boleh tengok laut dan polis.

Almost every check up, I need to see the doctor and did the scanning. The reason no. 1. The water is too much. or no. 2. the baby was transverse. or no. 3. the baby was breech. When, it was 7 months, I need to drink 'glucose' in order to check the possibility of having diabetes becoz the family history of having this. Normally, need to do it twice, once in 5 months and secondly during 7 months. But, luckily I went for the check up quite late, so selamatla. Hehehe...X larat oooo... Hanya orang yang pernah minum tahu. Nak muntah, pening, nak pitam semua ada. Perut kosong then minum air yang dicampur bersudu2 glukos 1 mug. Loya. Kalau muntah kena minum balik. Kalau x, not valid. Tapi bagusla sebab mak yang ada diabetes tend to have big baby.The result, was borderline. Next step, they need to take my blood 4 times, morning, noon, just before dawn and night. Seksa nak ulang alik ke sana.

Finally, reach almost 9 months, I was referring to the Serdang Hospital for further treatment or should I say precaution becoz of the sugar level. On that day, I need to drive becoz hubby got something else. Lagipun, senang habis check up terus balik ofis. Unfortunately, when gone through the screening (check blood pressure, urine test and check body weight), the BP was really high. Cannot recall the reading but high. Then the nurse said we do it again. Sama jugak. She asked me ada pening2, I said no. She brought me to the treatment room and lied down there. The doctor came, do the check up and gave medication. After I think half and hour, they check the BP again, still same. The doctor said, u need to be warded now. I asked the doctor whether I can go back for a while and come back later. She said cannot becoz it's too risky. Later, I was on the wheelchair. I'm coming bed.hehehe....

I told hubby and he will asked somebody to send him to pick the car. Ma and abah just went back and when I told them, terperanjatla. Actually, Ma already told me that she had the instinct, I will deliver very soon. And it seems right. Dah wardedpun x boleh rest. Every hour ada je benda kena check. BP, blood, baby's heartbeat. Masa tu aku duk 3rd class. First class xde lagi sebab hospital ni baru siap dan baru operasi. 2nd class full. The next day, on Friday, the specialist came to do the scanning. Actually, the doctor already scan on the first day. She even told me hard to find the baby's heartbeat becoz it's everywhere. So, when did it for 2nd time, they knew why. It's twin. The doctor showed the screen and I could see clearly. 2 babies inside me. The positions breech and transverse. I'm speechless. No wonder I got so many complications towards the end. High BP, urine infection, high sugar level. When told hubby, hardly to believe but got really excited. That afternoon, my sis came and planning to cook nasi lemak for tomorrow. Hubby told he couldn't come that afternoon becoz got something urgent. Aku x kisah sebab aku ok je. They, and even myself assumed, it was too early to deliver.

But, that night, the doctor came and check my BP reading. It was like yo-yo. Up and down. The doctor said that I couldn't wait anymore becoz if my BP still not stable, me and babies could get Fit. She told the nurses to prepare me for surgery. They injected me with a medication to maturate the babies' lung becoz from the calculation still got few days to 9 months. Then, they injected me for dripping. Shaved few parts. Lastly, put the tube for urine. At the end the personels in the monitoring room got mad becoz the ward personels brought me there just by wheelchair. Sepatutnya, I need to lie down cannot sit. I was put in the monitoring room. They will monitoring me and if BP still unstable they will do the surgery that night. Perasaan aku? Sedih, takut. Dahla laki aku x datang.Huhuhu...

Luckily, my BP finally stable. So, they decided to do it on Saturday morning. But, I cannot go anywhere without somebody accompany me even go to the toilet. Tapi dia kat luar jela. If anything happen I just need to push the emergency button. Then, that morning, they allowed hubby to came in just before the surgery. Around 11 I was pushed to the OT. I only half paralysed. The doctor talked to me what's going to happen next and next. Tapi seksa dalam tu. During the process, they need to move the drip to other part becoz the 1st one didn't went well. Then, they put another wire on the right hand. They injected a short tube on the top of my left chest. To inject morfin as pain killer. I started to feel nausea and vomit when they gave the gas and injected me with something to avoid excessive bleeding. At 11. 45 a.m the first baby boy came out, 2.6 kg. A minute after that second baby, 2.7 kg. I came out from the OT and monitoring room half and hour later becoz they need to monitor my BP and unfortunately my body temperature was a little bit high. So, I only got to see my babies when they already cleaned up and diazan dan iqamatkan by hubby. Welcome to the world Hasif dah Hazwan on 11th Mac 2006.


Lost another 334 clan. Last year we lost one. Now, another. Me? Only God knows. Kalau dah sampai ajal, memang x tunggu even a second. Sekejap tadi kita masih boleh bergelak ketawa, bergurau senda, ony few seconds kita mungkin dah tiada. Ajal maut telah ditentukan. Apapun penyebabnya adalah semata2 untuk dijadikan sebab. Cuma yang hidup kena selalu muhasabah diri. Bersediakah kita nak menghadapi hidup selepas mati. Cukup ke persediaan kita?

Sedih tu naluri semulajadi sebagai manusia biasa when we lost somebody. Hidup perlu diteruskan. Tapi, kematian merupakan iktibar dan peringatan untuk kita yang masih hidup. Makin meningkat umur, makin singkat kehidupan kita. Banyakkan doa agar Allah permudahkan semasa mengambil nyawa. Kita doa moga mati kita dalam iman. Berazam untuk tingkatkan ketakwaan.

Semasa dapat berita tu, aku terkedu macam x percaya. Memang tahu dia dah tenat. Tapi sebagai manusia kita sentiasa mengharapkan keajaiban dan harap dia bangun semula. Aku dah plan untuk melawat Well kat hospital yesterday afternoon with one friend. But, at the end x kesampaian sebab ada pembentangan SKT yang kena sambung sampai lepas lunch. So, bila dapat mesej yang Well dah tiada terkilan juga di hati. Walaupun I only knew him as one of my batchmate tapi we still friend regardless the race, religion, believe or whether we close or not. But, 334 clan have gone through all the obstacles, challenges for 6 months, together. Jadi, kami tetap kawan.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

I noticed since my first pregnancy, when I woke up in the morning, my hands will swollen, in pain and feel numbness. I cannot fully grip or hold something because it's really painful. To release it, I have to massage or do a little bit exercise. But, it's not fully recovered but help to improve my hand's function. It's really irritating. At first, I thought it was because of pregnancy itself becoz the hormone changes, or the blood didn't move smoothly like malay always said 'urat tersimpul'. Hehehe... biasala me typical malay.
But, it happened again and again. Limit my movement, even at one time I have to 'mc' myself becoz I couldn't grip at all. So, how to go to work, perform my duty. Yala, keje kena guna computer, pen. And then, I've heard about the syndrome and google to find more. True enough, I'm the one who suffered from that syndrome.

It's not something in danger but will irritate u and like I said it will release for a while then happen again and again. I went to see a doctor and she performed one test to confirm it. I cannot remember exactly how the doctor did the test. What I can recall, I need to close my eyes, she touch certain area on the palm, then asked the difference of the touching between few point. Which is more, which is less. Normally, for the start doctor will only give medication to help ease the pain. Then she suggested to me to go for further investigation which is I still hold. Malas betul.

The specific reason for this is unknown. The treatment? The best is through surgery. For me, few things need to consider if to go for surgery. First thing, of course my kids. Kalau dah besar okla. Then, the post surgery especially the physiotherapy part. Malas or rajin or time constraint. Last, the consequences if I say no to surgery. The effect in future. Maybe for the time being, I will consider to try other treatment. Now, we have many options. Not only modern one, but also traditional and complementary like acupuncture, homeopathy, ayurvedha. Just to name a few. Interested to know more just google or go to this website

Monday, November 2, 2009

Naik Tren

Sebenarnya, Hasif dan Hazwan selalu bersungut nak naik keretapi. Setiap kali nampak ERL @ LRT @ monorel, memang excited betul. Cuma kesempatan xde nak bawak dia orang. Tambah lak, aku fobia sikit. Teringat last year (nurin dalam perut lagi), pegi zoo. Then naikla bas yang ala2 keretapi kat dalam tu. Dua2 nangis. Yang teruk Hasif. Tiap kali stop dia akan stop nangis. Bas jalan, dia mula balik. Penat nak pujuk. Nak turun dah x larat nak jalan sebab kita orang dah round the whole then baru naik bas tu. Rupanya takut sebab bunyi enjin bas tu kuat. Tapi ok gak. Xla obvious suara 'menyanyi' anak aku. Hehehe...

Hari Sabtu, malam tu sajela bawa round KL. Boleh kata ni routinela sebab dah bosan. Yela. Hari keje mana sempat nak berjalan2. Balik keje, ambik kids dari rumah babysitter then balik rumah. Kalau keluarpun pegi makan. Kesian budak2 tu. Terperap je. So, malam tu macam biasala memang nampak monorel. Sekali Hasif boleh cakap 'Hasif x pernah naik kekapi. Mama ngan ayah x bawakpun naik kekapi' (kekapi tu keretapila). Aku pandang Hubby, Hubby pandang aku.

Next day, hubby cakap siap. Pegi breakfast then terusla keluar. Mula tu ingat nak naik ERL. But, finally, we decided to go for LRT. Our destination, Bukit Jalil station. Hubby tanya nak pegi sampai mana. Aku cakap sampai PWTC dahla. Boleh gak merayau kat The Mall jap. Almaklumla dah lama x menjenguk ke sana. Anak2 aku memang excitedla. X sabar2 sementara tunggu tren sampai. Kat dalam tren semua pandang kat luar je. Seronokla sebab boleh nampak semua benda. Nampak sangat jakunnya. Hehehe...

Turun kat PWTC, hubby cakap rondala sekejap kat The Mall. Tengok2 je then makan Sundae kat McDonald. After that terus balik. Budak2 especially si kenit dah mengantuk. Nasibla x mengamuk. Akhirnya, tertunai hajat anak2 aku. Akupun lega sebab diaorang ok je. Risau gak kang tiba2 melalak nak balik. Anyway, tengok jela gambar2 kat bawah.